The Blog Bum

confessions of a blog addict, speeding down the highway to blog heaven, enjoying the company of cool blogs at the blog park

Saturday, July 18, 2009

On Link Tactics - There are more than just a few methods or techniques that can be applied to gain backlinks to your website. Whatever they may be, these are designed by the need to gain traffic. Links may come from directories which have a link to your weblog or virtual property on the Internet. They provide a direct link to your site or page, they also get found by the search engines; search engines like google and excite which output a list of sites in its database meeting the criteria for the searches. What's good about Linking tactics? A great deal.

Link Tactics Link Tactics Getting Indexed Link Popularity Gaining Links Search Engine Optimization Some Linking Tactics Linking Getting Spidered Getting inbound links Link popularity 101 Linking 101 Gaining inbound links On linking strategies

With a large database at their command, the search engines are the only places to query when in need of a particular resource on the internet. Queries are done with keywords, which target the search to the result needed. Looking for "skin care"? Search Yahoo or another search engine. While being clicked directly through a direct link is like a wish granted by a genie, its probability of happening is somewhat limited which brings us to the big players of the World Wide Web, the search engines like lycos and many others. To be quick about it, you need backlinks in order to convince the search engines you are an important resource for a particular keyphrase. There are many ways of obtaining links and some gurus swear by three-way linking. Whatever the strategy, a combination of different methods might be effective. End - obtaining inbound links.

Click here for alternative medicine and healing

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Tuesday, June 09, 2009

I have a whole lot of time to spend and I guess this is as good a place as any to spend it on. I posted a fantastic video of Ray Charles and it is a truly amazing one. I keep playing it over and over and never ever get tired of it. Could be something is wrong with me or the music is just too great one never wants it to end. 

Something else needs to be mentioned and it involves something serious and thought-provoking like economics and making a living stuff. Prout is a wonderful theory and there are wonderful people working on it but I don't subscribe to their tactics. That is just my humble opinion and I hope they do make headway in their endeavors.  Meantime, I am just biding my time in Cagayan de Oro City, doing what I usually do. I would like to do other things but the doors are shut for me and I am waiting for some windows of opportunity to open for me. 

I am quite passionate to an extent about music and there are some very good music to be found here: rock / pop / folk These are sites that feature great music and you could enjoy these as well. 

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Blogging can be boring at times especially if that is all you do, blog about a life which is going nowhere. Much different is when you have not blogged for a long time and you kind of lose the jadedness of blogging and it seems fresh and new.
Here is a picture of a farm where I have been spending everyday tending to. These are some of the denizens of this farm, goats who share it with some cattle.

Check out: Cagayan de Oro City

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Busy as a bee? I have not been posting much to this blog for reasons that has nothing to do with my internet life. It has something to do with my real life. It seems to me that my real life has lagged behind my internet life and that has caused some tension deep inside me. I did get some inspiration yesterday that prompted me to write something. I have been doing stuff relating to virtualization and I have had the pleasure of trying VirtualBox. It is good and easy to use but there are many things that I don't know about it and the manual while giving the main topics a good once over, is kinda thin on details.

Still, I will go back to VBox when I have the time and maybe when they have improved it somewhat which I think they will do very soon. They have been busy with that and I would love to see them fix the PAE problem with Ubuntu Server which I have been able to install as guest OS using Vmware Workstation.

Check out these sites :Cagayan de Oro City which recently got to page 4. Dumaguete is fine but nowhere on the search pages. Cagayan de Oro City is making me feel good.

Check out these other sites: Cebu which suddenly got a pr1, Cagayan de Oro just for fun. Moira Trinity also got a pr1.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

For a long time now, I have been mulling over the seemingly endless days where I get nothing moving at all as far as seo is concerned. I now realize that there are far more difficulties than I imagined when I started out on this project. Lessons are learned and more lessons are heaped on you to be learned. Still, there are basic lessons that remain the same. Nothing really changes in a completely radical way at all when it comes to websites. There is the visual side and the content side to them. Nice color schemes, nice layouts, easy navigation and all those basic stuff gets the visitor's attention first. Then, you need to keep them there with your content. They might keep coming back if you have content that they want and makes them come back again and again.
They said that blogs were what people wanted and I guess they are right. We are interested in what others have to say especially if they make sense and bring information where we need it. Finding the right blog is often difficult and subscribing to it through RSS feeds keeps you in the loop for new updates. Social networking is now one of the many ways that information is shared.

Our favorites are: Ching's World, Green Tea, Dumaguete, Cebu City, Cagayan de Oro City, Papoy, Moira Trinity Cagayan de Oro, Dumaguete, Cebu are all in the Philippines in the world of Ching.

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Everything in life is about emotions; about feelings, about how certain secretions in our organs affect the way that we feel. I guess this is all that life boils down to. We feel bad and that's the main force that guides us during the day. There is no such thing as feeling good all the time. We chase after feeling good as medieval knights chased after the Holy Grail. There is no such thing. There is no feeling good forever. Like the famous man said, "shit happens".

I never tire of offering these sites for your edification: Day by Day, Cagayan de Oro City, Papoy, Bethel Guest House,

Manipulation is the name of the game. We manipulate each other. We try to get the other to do what we want and pattern the ideal after that. No wonder nothing good ever happens forever. There is too much manipulation going on. Do I manipulate Ching's World? I don't think so. I just present it and if you like it you can make a home in Ching's World. As far as I know, Ching's World. is good for you.

These are always fun: Cebu City, Ching's World, Cagayan de Oro City, Dumaguete, Moira Trinity, Papoy.

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Monday, September 17, 2007

Time sure flies. Looking at this blog's post I realize that I have not really posted anything before the last post since December of last year. And to think that I could not keep myself from updating every blog I ever made everyday. I called myself the blog bum and I was a blog bum. I did nothing but blog and I bummed around the internet.

Now I am keeping busy with Ching's World, something which I am not really sure will turn out to be as I first envisioned it. I had wanted something traditional, something which might be of some importance to some people. A directory with a twist. Ching's World has dreams of soaring high in the heavens.

Could a blog bum soar? Is this at all possible? Once has to change and adapt if one is to survive. This is a cardinal rule of life. If one cannot adapt then one is ready to be recycled. Ching's World will adapt as I have seen it adapt.

Ching's World, Cagayan de Oro City, Cebu City, Dumaguete

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