The Blog Bum

confessions of a blog addict, speeding down the highway to blog heaven, enjoying the company of cool blogs at the blog park

Monday, August 07, 2006

Blogs are amazing
It never ceases to amaze me: what one can do with blogs. Templates make all the difference; one can have a different look and a different feel which can go with the content or the topic at hand. Most of the time blogs bring to us the innermost thoughts of the authors who publish them. There are over six billion people on this planet and also over six billion brains with trillions of thoughts and dreams, wishes and desires. This makes for a very interesting mix when it gets distilled into blogs.

I have so many thoughts and so many things tug at my consciousness for attention But when I start to write these thoughts down, I find that they would not flow as they usually did when there is no attempt to bring them out of my mind onto some other medium like a computer's hard drive. My first attempts at bringing my thoughts forward in my consciousness and onto a computer screen were awkward and self-conscious and my thoughts would not flow as they usually do.

I try to compose and organize my thoughts and make the words sound right and it comes out even more unnatural. A thought comes to me saying "no one is reading this so what the heck! just write on anyway and be done with it". To be prefectly frank, this is great exercise for me and I feel that I can say anything that comes to my mind without the interference of self-consciousnes. Am I saying it right? The ancient oriental texts speak of the perfect action as that which proceeds directly from what needs to be done to execution without the interference of thought. The mind tries to second-guess itself. This is what the mind does: make so many thoughts and many of these thoughts are elaborations and often contradictions of other thoughts already formulated.

The term "devil's advocate" is really a game played by the mind all the time. This makes for indecision and leads to procastination. All it really means is that the mind refuses to stop spinning thoughts so it spins and spins thoughts which contradict each other without letup and without thought even.
More cool blogs in the Blog Park. Visit these pages:


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